What is a multifocal lens?
A multifocal lens incorporates multiple focal lengths into one lens. The standard focal lengths are for distance, intermediate, and near vision. Multifocal prescriptions include an "add power" to enable four types of lenses from one prescription.
What is a bifocal or trifocal lens?
Bifocal lenses are traditional multifocal lenses with a distinct dividing line between distance and near vision. Trifocals add an intermediate focal length between distance and near vision.
What is a progressive lens?
Progressive lenses, unlike traditional bifocal or trifocal lenses, lack a hard dividing line between focal areas. They offer a seamless transition between focal lengths, eliminating the abrupt change in vision experienced with traditional lenses.
How does a progressive lens differ from a traditional bifocal or trifocal lens?
The key difference is that a progressive lens blends the focal lengths smoothly, avoiding the "image jump" caused by sudden changes. They transition gradually from distance to near vision by incrementally adjusting the prescription.