Congratulations on receiving your new XP Health eyeglasses!
Our trained professionals carefully align all XP Health eyeglasses. But we understand that sometimes your eyeglasses may need a few more adjustments to fit you just right.
Follow this simple guide to customize your eyeglasses for the best comfort and fit. And if you have any more questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out!
Eyeglasses have many different parts that you can adjust for a more comfortable fit.
Do your glasses keep falling down your nose?
For plastic frames:
1. Try adjusting the temple tips of your glasses. Gently apply even pressure with your thumb, pressing the tips down to help grip the back of your ear.
If your plastic frame glasses are falling down your face, push the temple tips down so they snug the back of your ear more closely.
2. If your frames still need more adjustment, place just the temple tips (not the entire frame) in a bowl of warm water to soften them. This will make them easier to adjust.
- Don’t use boiling water
- Avoid dipping the lenses in water. This may damage the lens coatings.
3. Test if the adjustment worked by putting your glasses back on, looking down, and shaking your head. If the glasses fall off, repeat the adjustment until they stay on your face. You may need to try bending the frame a little farther away from the temple tip, toward the temple arm.
For metal frames:
1. Start by following steps 1-3 above for plastic frames.
2. If your eyeglasses still feel loose and the temples are snug behind the ears, try adjusting the nose pads. Gently push them toward each other. This will allow them to fit more closely on the bridge of the nose.
If your metal frame glasses are falling down your face, push the nose pads in together so that your glasses fit more securely around the bridge of your nose.
3. Test if the adjustment worked by putting your glasses back on and noting if they feel comfortable. If they do, look down and shake your head. If the glasses fall off, repeat the adjustments. If they don't feel comfortable, adjust the nose pads by either pushing them apart or toward each other. Keep adjusting until your glasses feel comfortable and don't fall off your face.
Do your glasses feel too tight on your temples?
For plastic frames and metal frames:
1. If the temples feel too tight on your head behind your ears, bend the temple tips upward. Use your thumbs to push them up while applying stabilizing pressure with your index fingers on top of the temple tip.
If your plastic or metal frames feel too tight on your temples, push the temple tips of the frames up. Use your thumb to apply stabilizing pressure to the top of the temple arms.
2. If your frames still need more adjustment, place just the temple tips (not the entire frame) in a bowl of warm water to soften them. This will make them easier to adjust.
- Don’t use boiling water
- Avoid dipping the lenses in water. This may damage the lens coatings.
3. Test if the adjustment worked by putting your glasses back on. Do they feel more comfortable on your head? Keep adjusting the temple tips until the glasses fit comfortably, but not too loosely, on your head.
Are your frames sitting too high or too low on your face?
For plastic frames:
1. Heat both temple tips by soaking them in warm water for 30-60 seconds.
- Don’t use boiling water
- Avoid dipping the lenses into the water to prevent damaging the coatings.
2. To lower where the frames sit on your face, carefully bend the temple tips outward and downward until they reach the desired height.
To lower where the frames rest on your face, bend the temple tips outward and downward until they reach the desired position on your face.
3. To raise where the frames sit on your face, carefully bend the temple tips inward and upward until they fit snugly when worn.
To raise where the frames rest on your face, bend the temple tips upward and inward until they reach the desired position on your face. You may need to adjust the bend closer up towards the front of the frame.
4. Repeat on both sides until you achieve the desired fit.
For metal frames
1. To raise where the frames sit on your face, gently push the nose pads toward each other. This will allow them to sit higher on your nose bridge.
To raise where the frames rest on your face, push the nose pads in toward each other.
2. To lower where the frames sit on your face, gently push the nose pads away from each other. This will allow them to sit lower on your nose bridge.
To lower where the frames rest on your face, push the nosepads away from each other.
Are your frames crooked?
For plastic frames and metal frames:
1. Place the glasses on a table to determine which side is higher.
2. Heat the temple arm on the higher side by soaking it in warm water for 30-60 seconds.
- Don’t use boiling water
- Avoid dipping the lenses into the water to prevent damaging the coatings.
3. When you’re wearing the eyeglasses…
- If the left side is higher, bend the right temple (near the hinge) down using steady pressure.
- If the right side is higher, bend the left temple (near the hinge) down using steady pressure.
Continue adjusting until you reach the desired levels.
To adjust crooked frames, bend the temple arm down near the hinge on the higher side.
Professional help
Still having trouble getting a comfortable fit? Visit your local optometrist for assistance. Some eye care providers offer free frame adjustments, even if the frames were not purchased from them.
If you’re charged for the adjustment, please send us the receipt, and we’ll reimburse that cost.
If you have any questions or need additional help, contact our Member Experience team anytime. We’re happy to help!